Cool, Courteous and Confident
This vital program for ages 12-15 covers the steps to gaining confidence, setting goals, problem solving, asserting yourself with ease, confident language, social IQ, courteous communication, dress and decorum, special event etiquette, invitations and correspondence, social etiquette, and dining etiquette. It provides your child with the tools to feel confident in any situation. 

Polite and Proud of It
Children will learn the importance of first impressions, proper handshaking and eye contact, how to introduce themselves and others, how to remember names, communicate with confidence, the art of conversation, listening skills, what not to say, telephone communication, netiquette and more. Effectively combined with a dining tutorial, children will be proud to be polite. 
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Manners on the Menu
Knowing the rules for dining and having the ability to consistently practice the technical skills related to eating will allow you to feel more comfortable in dining situations. If you are more comfortable you can make others more comfortable, which is really what good manners are all about. Learn styles of eating, formal table setting, silverware savvy, navigating the place setting, dining do's and don'ts, managing difficult foods, manners at the table, restaurant manners, finessing the buffet, invitations, entertaining etiquette, host and guest duties, handling chopsticks and more. 
Mad About Manners Ages 3-7
Children are most receptive to learning manners between the ages of 3-7. Teaching children the rules for social conduct gives them social skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Manners lessons include everything from basic manners (making introductions, showing kindness to others, telephone etiquette, respecting yourself, dinning skills, manners at school, thank you notes) to sleep over and party etiquette, just to name a few. 

Bee Polite - General Manners Ages 4-7
With the help of 'Miss Queen Bee', children learn why manners are important and basic manners that all kids should know. Treating others with respect and remembering the "golden rule" are emphasized in a lesson that is 'buzzing' with fun activities, including puppets and games.

Charming Chatterboxes - Polite Conversations Ages 3-7
A conversation involves much more than just 'talking'. Communication is both verbal and nonverbal. In fact, we often reveal more with our body language (or nonverbal communication) than we do with the words that we use. What we say and how we say it communicates to others our thoughts, feelings and moods. Being aware of communication etiquette and speaking politely are important for making a good impression and showing respect for others.
"But manners are what make nations be, when their manners are gone, they're gone!"

- Ahmed Shawky
Official Launch of Manners Matter Egypt!

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